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Ortiz Game Management and Hog Removal of Texas is happy to offer our services to those with questions, problems or any feral hog issue. If feral hogs are your problem, we can help with elimination, removal and control. We target hogs that are destroying landscaping, underground sprinkler systems and electrical wiring. They cause unnecessary erosion to roads, culverts, and earth dams. Hogs destroy corps and can infect livestock and water supplies with a variety of diseases. If you have large territorial hogs that are taking over your property, WE CAN HELP!
If hogs are running you efforts to have a higher quality deer to hunt because they are eating the deer's food supply, knocking over feeders, tearing tubes off protein feeders or even going after the deer, WE CAN HELP!
Feral hogs can overrun crops and literally eat your profits. Millions of dollars worth of damage is cause every year. This not only is a loss for farmers but it is a loss for everyone down the line. Give us a call and we can talk over what strategy may work for you.
Feral hogs are becoming more of a suburban problem that a rural problem. Hogs are seen more and more in neighborhoods, streets, parks, golf courses and nature trails. If you live in an subdivision, or an area where fire arms are illegal to use, WE CAN HELP! We specialize in weaponless capture and live removal. We have developed and implemented OUR own electronics and they are portable and can be fit to any of our corral traps and even our box traps. If you have a trap and want electronics you can watch from your phone and see the door drop on hogs. WE CAN HELP!
R. A. "Bubba" Ortiz
Director of Operations
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